
CAMA Major Development Permit Application Checklist



This checklist is provided solely as an informational resource for permit applicants. A prospective applicant is not required to fill out this checklist. It is also not required that this checklist be provided to the Division.


·         Pre-application Meeting

While it is not required, you are strongly encouraged to schedule a pre-application site visit with a CAMA field representative. Such a meeting can greatly aid in expediting the review of your permit application. In addition, a scoping meeting with the resource agencies is recommended to provide you with feedback on your proposal. Please contact your field representative for more information.




·         Permit Portal

o    The link below will take you to the DCM application portal. There you can find knowledge base articles to aid you in the application process. You can also contact your field representative for help.





·         Drawings must be neat, clear, and of standard size to scan, either 8.5” x 11”, 8.5” x 14” or 11” x 17”. If oversized workplan drawings are required, please notify your field rep.


·         Workplan drawing file names should follow the template below.

o    Applicant # of #. Example (Smith 1 of 5).


·         Each drawing must have a simple title block, which should include the applicant’s name, drawing number (i.e. Page 1 of 4), and the date the application was prepared. Undated drawings cannot be accepted.


·         The workplans must be accurately drawn to scale (1” =200’ or less). The scale must be indicated on each drawing and each sheet must be scaled to the paper size.


·         Location Map

Your application must include a map showing the location of the proposed work or development. This map must provide adequate information to allow someone unfamiliar with the project area to locate the project site.


·         Top or Plan View Drawing

Your application must include a drawing(s) showing the following:


o    Existing and proposed features (i.e. dunes, shorelines, water bodies, marsh lands, wetlands, existing and proposed man-made structures, exact areas and dimensions of proposed excavation, fill and/or spoil disposal, existing water depths, approximate mean high, low, and average water levels, property boundaries and riparian corridors, width of the adjacent water body, distance of proposed structures(s) to federally maintained channels, and names of adjacent property owners).


* Standard north arrow.


·         Cross-Sectional (Side-View) Drawing

Your application must include a cross-sectional or side-view diagram(s) showing the following:


o    Depth and elevation of existing structures and the proposed work relative to the existing ground level.

o    Elevations of adjacent dunes (if applicable).

o    Mean low water and mean high water lines.

o    First floor elevations relative to mean sea level for any proposed buildings.






·         Project Narrative


A narrative description of the proposed project should also be provided. This narrative should discuss the character and purpose of the proposed development, construction methodologies and any other special or relevant considerations.


A typical narrative can be provided in the application. If a larger or more complex narrative is uploaded, the file name should follow the template below.


o    Applicant Narrative. Example (Smith Narrative)


·         Application Fee

The DCM portal will email you a notice to pay the appropriate fees associated with your project (See CAMA field representative for appropriate fee amounts.). Credit card, electronic check or physical checks are acceptable. Physical checks should be made payable to NCDEQ (NC Department of Environmental Quality). NOTE: There will be a $25.00 Service charge on all return checks.


·         Deed

Your permit application package must include a copy of a deed, purchase agreement, or other legal instrument under which the applicant claims the right to develop the property in question.


The deed file name should follow the template below.


o    Applicant Deed. Example (Smith Deed)


·         Consultant or Authorized Agent

If an authorized agent has been retained to obtain your CAMA permit. During the application process the portal will ask you if you would like to identify an agent and if you would like them to fill out the application. If you choose your agent to fill out the application your work is done. The portal will send a notification email to the your agent and link them to the application you started.


·         Wetland Delineation Approval

If applicable, documentation of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetland delineation approval should be provided.


The wetland delineation file name should follow the template below.


o    Applicant USACE delineation. Example (Smith USACE delineation)



·         Adjacent Property Owner Notification

Certified letters (Return Receipt Requested) with the copies of the permit application package (permit application forms and appropriate work plan drawings) must be sent to all adjacent property owners. The signed return receipt(s) must be provided with the permit application. This notification must also include instructions to the adjacent property owner that any objections or concerns they have about your proposed development should be provided in writing to the Division of Coastal Management (DCM).


The adjacent riparian notification file name should follow the template below. All adjacent riparian notifications can be together in one document.


o    Applicant ARPO. Example (Smith ARPO)



·         Stormwater Management Plan Certification

If your proposal will lead to an increase in built-upon area on your property, you may be required to submit a stormwater management plan to the NC Division of Water Quality for review and approval. You are advised that DCM cannot issue a CAMA permit until this approval has been obtained.


The Stormwater Management Plan Certification file name should follow the template below.


o    Applicant SW Cert. Example (Smith SW Cert)



·         Ocean and Inlet Hazard Notices

For projects within oceanfront and inlet areas, an Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) Hazard Notice Form must be signed. This form is available from your local CAMA permit representative.


The Ocean and Inlet Hazard Notice file name should follow the template below.


o    Applicant Hazard Notice. Example (Smith Hazard Notice)



·         Other Information

At the discretion of DCM, additional information may be requested.


The file name should follow the template below.


o    Applicant “Description of File”. Example (Smith Pictures)



For more information, refer to the North Carolina Administrative Code Section 7J.0200 Application Process. Copies of this Section are available from the offices of DCM, and also from the website: