  1. Click the "NC DEQ Self Service Permit Portal Registration Link" from the registration email. Email Subject: "NC Hazardous Waste Portal Registration"
    • Note: Your registration link is ONLY good for you. You may not forward this email for someone else to claim this registration link.
    • If you have received this email, you are listed as the Site Contact on the EPA myRCRAid. If this is incorrect, you must login to myRCRAid and change the site contact information there.
  2. Click Register
    • The registration code should be automatically populated:
    • If you have already completed the registration for another account, select the checkbox for "I have an existing account"
  3. Enter your email address, a username, a password and click Register
    • You should see the invitation code in the blue box
    • Username can be your email address
  4. After Registration is complete, you will need to validate your email address.
    • Click the "Confirm Email" button. This will send an email to the address on file. Follow the link in the confirmation email to complete the registration process